Sunday, February 17, 2008

HD vs. Blu-Ray (and myths about Porn)

So the Blu-Ray/HD DVD war is all but over, with Blu-Ray coming out on top.
I think this provides an excellent opportunity to debunk a certain myth about the Porn industry.

It's been said again and again that Porn drives new consumer technology.

Since "[t]he adult industry's decision to embrace VHS in the early 1980s... helped kill Sony's Betamax...", if "the adult entertainment industry adopted HD-DVD", why didn't HD-DVD win the war?

Maybe the influence of porn is lower than the influence of urban legends.

Now, it's undeniable the internet has a bevy of porn (no links here, find it yourself), and many gadgets are adapted for porn even though that was their last intention. Even so, the failure of HD-DVD reminds us not to ascribe all important human behavior to our more risque impulses, regardless of whether or not it makes a good story.